Monday, April 28, 2008

How to live out a life long dream you've had since you were 7 & Living on a Prayer

I'm going to try & keep this as simple & short as I can, but if you know me, then you know that I ramble. Back in October I was talking with my sister, & I think we were discussing Christmas presents. She asked what I wanted & I said that I would like to go to see Bon Jovi. Random thought, as the only other concert (besides The Wiggle's) I have attended was Bryan Adams back in 1994 when I was 13, so it's been awhile. For those of you that don't know, I have been a fan of Bon Jovi since I was 7 & Slippery When Wet was released. So after telling that to my sister, I decided that I didn't know if they were doing a tour in the U.S. & that I should check it out. So that is exactly what I did. I do believe this was an act of God, because when I found the results of my google search of Bon Jovi tours, I noticed that the tickets for the next tour that was going to be stopping in Kansas City at the Sprint Center was set for the NEXT day! Now to me this is amazing, & I am totally hyped & decided that I wanted to go & see Bon Jovi, as I have thought about it for many years. The next task that I have to accomplish is finding someone to go with me. My uncle said that my aunt would not go because she is too old & since it was on a week night she would rather go to sleep, & all of the other people that I asked said that they didn't like Bon Jovi. HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE BON JOVI? Their songs are great, they have been around for many years, & they are hot. There's no way around it. So the next day I didn't go online to get tickets because I didn't want to go by myself. So I'm at my aunt & uncle's the next day because my uncle & I were going to see the Kansas City Chiefs vs. the Denver Broncos, & my aunt asked if I got the tickets. Luckily we were able to get some tickets, but wouldn't you know...after I bought them they opened up another show the Thursday before. So fast forward like 6 months, & it's about that time to go & see Bon Jovi. I actually was given the opportunity to see them on Thursday night & had some nice seats with a good view, so it was great.
Anywho, I must say that I think I had the best time out of anyone there! I knew all but 1 song (which wasn't theirs) & I got to see them on the big screens! Tico & his drums, Dave & his keyboards, Richie, ah Richie...for a guy that's personal life seems to be a huge mess, he sure can change your opinion once he gets on the stage & starts playing that guitar & singing backup. I can't even talk about Jon Bon Jovi. Sigh. I was mesmerized when he came out from below the stage & I just sat & stared at him for the 2 1/2 hours that they played. I was anticipating them playing a lot of the songs from their new album Lost Highway, & I did anticipate the great older songs, but what I was really shocked to hear was In These Arms & Born to Be My Baby - I was not expecting that, especially since they are 2 of my favorites.
The other part about the night that I was excited about was the opening act. It was Daughtry! Thanks to my dear friend Andrea Silverthorne, I was introduced to Chris Daughtry right before he was booted off American Idol, but I did see his Wanted Dead or Alive performance before receiving the boot. I felt it was quite suiting that they 2 were on tour together. I was anxiously awaiting when they would be on stage together, which of course I assumed would be on Wanted Dead or Alive, but I was pleasantly surprised when he emerged from below on Blaze of Glory. That was a great performance. In my opinion, it was the best performance out of Daughtry for the whole night. I think that is because I didn't care much for his band. I loved his voice, & was glad that he sang his popular songs Home, Over You, It Feels Like Tonight, & It's Not Over, however when his band was playing it made it almost unbearable! I was not upset to take a bathroom break at all because it was getting annoying! I said if Bon Jovi comes out like that I'm out of here, but luckily they did not. Jon Bon Jovi did come out with some cheesy dance moves that were great to me though!

So overall, I really enjoyed the concert & was glad that I went & got some great pictures & really just had a ball. The next day my friend Andrea (who prompted me to write this blog since she is sick of looking at my banged up ankle, especially after eating a snack) called me, but luckily then she emailed me since I was at work & not home, but she was telling me how she had seen Chris Daughtry walking into Target as she was walking out. I think I need to mention that Andrea lives in Fargo, ND. I decided that she was wrong - it wasn't him, so I went online & checked out the Bon Jovi tour, & sure enough, they were playing in Fargo the next night. She didn't run up to him like a normal fan would though, so I'm very disappointed in her.

Well, I think this post has gone on long enough! Don't worry though, I have a lot of issues to talk about that have happened the past few weeks - dropping a phone in a cup of water (no it was not the toilet), taking a trip to Abilene, & quite possibly Alec's acting debut.

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